6 Clear Signs You Need a Customer Feedback Tool

Mithila Raikar Shigaonkar
4 min readDec 10, 2021

As the second decade of the 21st century comes to an end, the power of marketing seems to be growing exponentially. Companies across the world are constantly searching for new tricks to stay ahead of the competition. Millions of new tools are springing up like mushrooms under the rain.

But, do you really need all of them? In the race to stay on top of the game, it’s vital not to spread yourself thin. At the same time, not relying on tools that are most needed could mean loss for your business.

In this article, let’s talk about a customer feedback tool. Can you benefit from using one of these?

What is a Customer Feedback Tool?

Customer feedback is one of the most powerful tools available to a company. Recommendations being the number one driver of consumer purchase decisions, paying too little attention to them is almost a crime.

Capitalizing on customer feedback directly by acquiring new clients is an integral part of the marketing campaign. Meanwhile, using reviews to adjust your work is imperative.

A customer feedback tool is a software that helps you collect customer input, opinions and comments. You can use them to improve your product, marketing, customer service and sales effort.

These tools allow you to gather feedback from customers & arrange votes on feature requests & improvements suggestions. A sense of community among your customers helps you build the product in the most collaborative way. You can also organise these feature requests & suggestions in a roadmap. This helps you communicate more visually & clearly with the customers.

By integrating a customer feedback tool into various customer facing endpoints, you can learn more about them and see how your produce/service is doing in terms of delivery and satisfaction. The more information you manage to collect from your customers, the faster and better you can tweak your business.

Let’s look at the top signs your company needs to consider a customer feedback tool.

1. You Are Developing a New Product

Many business owners associate customer feedback tools with large companies, which get millions of customer reviews/inputs. However, even a small software company can reap the benefits of such a tool.

When you are developing a new product, you can get valuable feedback from your existing or potential customers about problems they want this product to solve. Be it a mobile app or a branch trimmer, knowing what customers want can help drive your sales.

While it’s possible to collect feedback without a tool, managing it could be too time-consuming when the numbers are high.

2. You Want to Improve Communication with Your Customers

Improving communication is vital for higher customer conversion and retention rates. If you feel as if you aren’t engaging with customers sufficiently, a tool can help.

You can structure the communication process and ensure proper interaction between customers and your team members.

Feedback tools widen your customer service horizons by showing feedback to the entire team rather than to the designated support specialist. This could help solve clients’ issues faster or listen to product improvement suggestions more efficiently. This can also improve in building a reputation for your product/service and encourage word-of-mouth marketing.

3. You Are Forgetting To Respond to Comments and Feedback

One of the major indications of high-quality customer service is a quick response to customers’ comments and reviews. If you don’t do anything about the reviews you are getting, you can’t capitalize on them.

A customer feedback tool can add order to the way you receive votes, comments and reviews — ensuring a timely response.

Are you forgetting to respond to reviews or simply lose them in the sea of other work? You are robbing yourself of a chance to boost your promotional efforts and improve customer satisfaction.

If customers aren’t getting responses to their feedback, it’s only half the trouble. If you fail to answer immediate questions, you could be losing existing customers and deterring your potential audience.

4. You Have a Small Customer Support Team

A customer feedback tool can help your marketing, customer service & product management teams with their efforts. If you don’t have a large team dealing with customer support, your specialists may be facing burnout.

Instead of hiring extra employees, you can use the tool to keep all the necessary feedback in one place. It can simplify communication between team members, structure reviews, and ensure timely responses.
Such a tool can also take some burden off your marketing team’s shoulders.

By analyzing well-organized feedback, these specialists can make important decisions about further product development, marketing & services related efforts.

5. You Lack Customer Feedback Analysis

Analyzing customer feedback can help you make vital decisions about the future of your product/service. Without a tool to keep all the feedback in one place and generate votes and comments, you can have a hard time doing an analysis.

Be it segmenting reviews by the topic or singling out negativism about a certain feature, simple Ctrl+F can’t help.

Order and structure provided by the tool can help you analyze feedback in the most efficient way possible.

6. You Aren’t Getting as Much Feedback as You’d Like

To get the most out of customer feedback, you need to get it. Many companies struggle to acquire customer votes and comments in the first place.

A customer feedback tool can help collect votes, comments. It allows customers to have an easier time communicating with your team.

Final Thoughts

A customer feedback tool can become an integral part of your various teams’ arsenal. If at least two out of the above six signs ring true, you may definitely want to give it a try.

Roadmap portal is an add-on for Jira service desk that lets you create public portals to gather customer feedback, votes & comments.



Mithila Raikar Shigaonkar

Brand and content strategist at Amoeboids. Helps Organizations Improve Efficiency, Accelerate Productivity and Achieve Customer Success